Meaning and Essay on “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” – Francis of Assisi

1. Introduction:

The words of the prayer “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love” are attributed to Francis of Assisi and have become a symbol for peace and understanding throughout the world. In this essay we will explore the meaning behind these words, as well as their implications for our daily lives.

2. Meaning Behind the Prayer:

The prayer is an appeal to God asking Him to make us instruments of His peace in a world filled with hatred and violence. It asks that we be guided by love instead of hate and strive towards creating harmony wherever possible. The message here is clear – that it is up to each one of us to spread peace through our actions and attitudes, rather than allowing ourselves to be swayed by anger or prejudice.

3. Implications for Our Daily Lives:

This prayer can serve as a reminder for all people that we must strive towards making a difference in our world even if it starts with small acts such as smiling at strangers or offering help when needed. We should also take care not to let negative emotions like anger or fear dominate our lives but instead focus on cultivating feelings of compassion, empathy and understanding towards others no matter what their background may be. Ultimately, following this prayer can lead us down a path where true inner peace can be found within ourselves while also helping create harmony among those around us!

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