Meaning and Essay on “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” – Will Rogers

What is the Meaning of “Good Judgment Comes from Experience”?

The famous quote by Will Rogers states that good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. This suggests that we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. It implies that if we are willing to make mistakes, then we can gain wisdom and knowledge which will help us to make better decisions in the future.

Essay on Good Judgment Comes From Experience

In this essay, I would like to explore how good judgment can be acquired through experience and how even bad experiences can be beneficial in helping us develop better judgement skills. First of all, it is important to understand why it is necessary for us to have good judgement. Good judgement allows us to make informed decisions based on facts rather than emotions or biases. Furthermore, having good judgement helps us avoid making costly mistakes both financially and emotionally.

Next, I would like to discuss how experience plays an important role in developing good judgement skills. When faced with a situation or problem, people often rely on their past experiences when making decisions about what action they should take next. Experiences provide guidance as well as insight into potential outcomes so that people can weigh up the pros and cons before taking any action at all. Additionally, by reflecting upon past experiences – both successful ones and unsuccessful ones – people can gain valuable lessons which allow them to improve their decision-making process over time; thus leading towards better overall judgements being made in the future.

Finally, it must also be noted that although many times bad judgments lead to negative consequences; there are still benefits associated with making these “bad” choices too! Making mistakes provides an opportunity for learning – allowing individuals to become wiser due to gaining new perspectives or insights into situations they may not have seen before had they not made those particular wrong choices firstly . Therefore , while it is best practice for people strive towards making sound judgements based off of their experiences ; sometimes taking risks may actually end up paying off !

Overall , Will Roger’s statement rings true – indeed , having a wealth of experience does give one an advantage when it comes down decision-making but sometimes even bad judgments may prove beneficial in certain circumstances .

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