Meaning and Essay on “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – E.E. Cummings

What Does “It Takes Courage to Grow Up and Become Who You Really Are” Mean?

E.E. Cummings wrote that it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are, implying that the process of growing up isn’t easy or straightforward; it requires bravery and strength of character. Growing up involves learning how to make difficult decisions, taking risks, developing a sense of self-worth, and finding out who we truly are as individuals. It’s not always easy to take the path less traveled or stand out from the crowd but having courage gives us the confidence to do so. When we have courage we can be true to ourselves no matter what obstacles may come our way.

The Power of Becoming Who You Really Are

When we take the time and effort needed to grow into our true selves, amazing things can happen in our lives. We gain clarity on where we want go with our lives and what values are important for us personally which helps guide us through life’s challenges with greater ease. Our relationships also benefit when we become more authentic versions of ourselves as others will respect us for being honest about who we are rather than trying to fit into a mold created by society’s expectations. Taking ownership over one’s identity is an empowering experience that leads toward personal growth and fulfillment in life overall.

Essay on “It Takes Courage To Grow Up And Become Who You Really Are” – E.E Cummings

In his essay “It Takes Courage To Grow Up And Become Who You Really Are,” E.E Cummings writes about how hard it can be sometimes for people find their own voice amidst all the noise around them—but he also emphasizes that having courage is essential if you want reach your full potential in life both professionally and personally . He encourages readers not only embrace their unique qualities but also use those qualities positively contribute something meaningful world around them even if they face opposition along way . His words remind us staying true yourself is worth effort because ultimately it will lead towards greater happiness contentment down road .

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