Meaning and Essay on “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas

## Introduction

The quote by Thomas Aquinas, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship”, speaks volumes about the importance of having genuine and lasting relationships. True friendship is something that many people strive for throughout their lives as it can bring a sense of comfort and joy in times of need. In this essay, we will discuss the meaning behind this quote and explore why true friendship is so valuable.

## Meaning Behind The Quote

The quote suggests that there are no other things on Earth that should be valued higher than a strong bond between two people. This could mean physical items such as money or possessions but also intangible assets like knowledge or experience. It implies that we should not place too much emphasis on materialistic things because they cannot bring us happiness like friendships can. Rather, we should focus our efforts on building meaningful connections with others which will provide us with emotional support during difficult times and help us grow as individuals.

## Importance Of True Friendship

True friendship brings many benefits to those who possess it; it allows us to feel connected to someone else even when life gets tough and provides an outlet for sharing our thoughts and feelings without judgement. It also encourages growth through shared experiences; friends often challenge each other in positive ways which helps them become better versions of themselves over time. Lastly, true friendships make life more enjoyable; they offer companionship during moments of loneliness, understanding during periods of confusion, laughter when needed most, and unconditional love regardless of circumstances or situations.

## Conclusion

In conclusion, Thomas Aquinas’s statement “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship” holds great significance in today’s society due its potential for providing emotional fulfillment and personal growth opportunities for both parties involved in the relationship. Through open communication, mutual respect and trustworthiness one can build meaningful connections with others which have the power to significantly improve quality of life overall.

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